Improvement starts with self-awareness – is one of the core mottos of everything I do (apl3i). DELIBERATE improvement that is.
I state, with this perspective I am „selling“ – in order to grow your mindset, you need to know how others see you, and you need to open up for being wrong!
I am not talking about losing faith in yourself, your confidence level should always be 99% certainty, but NOT 100%. Because in an fast-moving world – how DO you know that you are right, that there is NOTHING more to add to your brilliance? What if you are wrong? CAN you be wrong – is the starting point of the transition from a fixed to a growth mindset. The concept Carol Dweck so brilliantly coined in her book Mindset in 2006. In it she talks about the difference of the two – and when I read it I feel she she is also touching on the next step – in this fast-moving world – in which the social human being grows its value, only if it knows its own value, and I am NOT talking about in an instrumental ALONE kind of way, but the perspectivation kind of way – that you know your strengths and weaknesses RELATED to the world of others. No human is an island – we might start up as icebergs dumping into each other – until we wake up and see the reality of the social world. When we start interacting with it, we see the power of perspectives. This kind of perspective forces us to grow toward a next level/type of mindset – the together growth mindset in a world of growth mindsets =I welcome you to the world of Deliberate Synergizing mindset. This is the top of the H4i (house for innovation) – where you go trough 5 floors – ending up at the top – where the goal is to behave in such a way that you are able to – in any situation – to add value – always. As the core habit – your natural behaviour;-D
What do you think?
This is the start of an article and a part of my “in process book” that will deal with – among other things – this, the mindset of the future in work – which is the TOGETHER mindset.. what are your reflections on what I write here?