NEGATIVE CAPABILITY = Standing in the storm of life = success is the storm (learn to deal with it = grow)

NEGATIVE CAPABILITY = Standing in the storm of life = success is the storm (learn to deal with it = grow)

Growing “negative capability” as a HABIT = the work of me – the “Difference coach”

I love my job, just absolutely love it, it is hard, even almost impossible, but then I do what I do to others – to myself. I + M + Possible:-D

Growing is not an easy thing to do – in the right pace.

Either you do it too quickly – like a plan growing up to quickly in nature – thin and long it will not stand a storm.

Or, growing too slow, you just don’t manage to keep it growing – because nothing happens (you feel).

Well – the challenge is that to grow you can not really see – how it is growing, yourself. And really growing is also about the same – growing we do TOGETHER.

Both – there part one is about getting feedback that you can use to adjust – but part two is more about finding and understanding the starting point of a challenge.

The perspectivation trap. Are you doing it – as doing things alone or not?

You have ONE side of the story and here you go – not grow, go. And what if you go wrong – have you ever thought about that as an options – when you start running?

What if I am wrong?

What about finding out, or at least optimizing the chance of being MORE right = “do it together” | which means – ask for another reflections side, perspective before you go – so you avoid – “not having any other ideas/options – alone?

When I do my job of “difference coach” – or Synergizer, (depending on who I talk to) –

I systematically support people to (in a special process kind of way) on how to grow awareness = so you can grow the ability to work on something.

When I google “Ability” – it is defined as “possession of means or skills to do something”. With other words you are in the position that you are aware of what the challenge is – and maybe even in possession of means or skills to do something. Something – is the focus.. you ARE able to do something.. in other words | you have the skills to do something – you can do something to work on the challenge in hand. You CAN..

But I see this as just a measly starting point – that is more a hinder than anything else, is my experience. You THINK you know what to do, and maybe you KNOW what to do – BUT, because that doesn’t matter ALONE. BUT many stop there – they KNOW what to do – and postpone any actions – or IF they DO something, use the skill they have – what if it doesn’t bring an optimal result, or work at all?

Don’t misunderstand me – of course, you have to get to this starting point – that you are aware of the challenge and have some kind of understanding and ability to do something – but knowing is not doing. Knowing what to do – something you very seldom do – brings you to doing badly..

This is where I support your growth step 2 | growing a CAPABILITY.

Capability is explained on google as “the power of ability to do something”.

Hm – ability is possession of skill – capability is ability | That doesn’t make any sense to me – at least it didn`t make much sense until I googled the difference.

Ability is to know what to do..

Capability is about quality of how to do..

So when I, the “Difference coach” – is that (a difference) in action – this is my process;

I look at how you grow the first step of growing awareness of ability, and skills.

I ask you about DIFFERENT OPTIONS of the way to DO the skills = perspectivate..

so you can optimize the quality of your actions, by testing out different versions of solutions as options – so you CAN grow capability – power of quality, if you may, by DOING.. testing towards the right thing the right way.

THEN – there is habit – the success platform.

So =

1 grow awareness | ability to see what is needed

2 grow awareness of quality in different options | capability to know what is needed based on experiential learning and growth

3 = grow habit | decision on what is the right thing to do – the right way as a habit, the new you;-D

THAT is my job as a “Difference coach” – bring different options onboard – and support your mix of deliberate practice (how to grow quality) and mixed practice (to test our different practices).

To synergize is to – add value – always | that I do, together with you, as should you.

Perspectivate – is the key to quality options – result, well QUALITY result – comes from repeatedly doing and learning – adjusting until you grow

With the right pace – just high enough to get sunshine and slow enough to stand the storm.

Negative capability – is to be able to stand in a storm and not let it affect you – on other words – if you want to grow better you have to be able to grow capabilities as habits.

This way you don’t go around talking about the story of my life – that IS your life, how you do what you do – and can`t get through – the challenges that are a little bit different, every time. As is life – difference .. so act differently, systematically.

Growth is great – but is not easy. It is fun, and challenging, yes – but not ever easy.. and IF it is easy – wait for the storm, and see how you grown..

Or – use a “Difference coach perspective”:-D

Here we grow