Mindsetting for Synergizing Leadership | using Eurich – Dweck – Edmundson | to innovate Synergy Mindset

INNOVATING LEADERSHIP by using Eurich`s Self-awareness + Dweck`s «Mindset» + Edmundson`s “Psychological Safety” < SYNERGY RELATIONSHIPS – with a “difference mindset”

Over the years I have been growing my coaching – now synergizing – business, I have always come to admire people like Tasha Eurich, Carol Dweck, and Amy Edmundson – who seemingly suddenly – come up with such brilliant insights – the feeling of – of course, why haven’t I thought of that before – moments. Did I experience one myself? You be the judge of that.

First – the mere thinking of “improvement starts with self-awareness” – that I “grew out of” Tasha Eurich`s book – “Insight, Why We`re Not as SELF-AWARE as We Think, and how seeing ourselves clearly helps us succeed at Work and in Life”, is just astonishing simple in its point. We need to be more deliberate in our way of living – if we want to DELIBERATELY live our lives more fully.

As also.

Second – Carol Dweck`s mindblowing, again, simple, mindset book – “Mindset, the New Psychology of Success”, where she talks about the growing awareness of the difference between fixed and growth mindset – opened my mind in a new, different way. The belief that there is a difference between the two – HIT ME – YES, of course! We all know by now, that there is – a difference if you are open or not, if you are aware or not!

Then I landed on the not-so-simple book – that was (mostly) about the concept of “Psychological Safety” – that Amy Edmondson wrote about in the “fearless organization”, Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, innovation and Growth”..

< these three books, which all were interesting enough from three brilliant women – talk about what I SELL as the most valuable resource in the Universe..

= < I call myself a “Synergizer, or difference coach” – someone that ADD VALUE – ALWAYS..

HOW I work = with growing Synergizing Leadership. During MY journey | and PAY ATTENTION to this – the journey is the goal, I landed on 2 simple challenges for you to reflect on.

1 – things take time – experiential learning – is about learning from what you do. I love the deliberate “fuck-up – learning moments” of Edmondson, or Eurich, when they talk about how they learned from mistakes..

2 – when I ask people/organizations – what is your most valuable resource – they all say the same thing – THE PEOPLE – these three women gave me the obvious ALTERNATIVE answer, the SYNERGIZED answer = 1+1+1 < 1000 000.

The most valuable resource IN THE UNIVERSE is the RELATIONSHIP between people.

That is why I suggest we need to grow even more = we should challenge ourselves to systematically grow |  from a fixed to a growth – towards a synergy mindset | THIS (when communicating – simple) I call this the together mindset. IT – synergizing mindset is the base for “Synergizing Leadership” = the way of the future. It starts with systematically growing a together mindset. By 1 grow more self-aware + grow synergy mindset – by what I call “Communicative actions” – analyse + use – the GROWN starting point of optimal “situational psychological safety” deliberately = SYNERGIZE relationships = Here we GROW Synergizing Leadership!