Deliberately growing a sustainable together culture in sport and business
Do you always do your best – yes… Really? How = Masterminds – together!
The process is the end goal – is often stated| but what does that mean?
The end result comes from the effort (relationship quality) of TOGETHER – and is always a process.
When we work, alone and together – there are three simple truths (I challenge you to reflect – and feedback on these):
1. Improvement starts with self-awareness = to be deliberate you have to be awake and aware, BUT this doesn’t matter if you are not OPEN for what is in front of you (the potential is without limit – there are no limits – the Universe is unknown).
2. Relationship grows from Humility (being humble – means always have, and act, – like you are 1% in doubt). A HEART behaviour model is an opportunity for Humility + Empathy + Agile + Reliability + Transparency – when wishing to work with others.
3. Success stems from habits – doing the right things the right way so you save energy for creativity (meeting the unknown-energy) = any role has some core habits that support its success. Feedback is the core of learning – so when was the last time you got feedback (that was positively constructive – came from the heart)? The best of us are craving feedback – because they know, from experience growing where they are now – that it is i-m-possible to grow alone.
= the core of success is (individuals’ behaviour = habits + group behaviour = culture). We are what we do – but HOW we do is the start of relationships.
Becoming a Masterminds (together) Synergizer (Leader) | it is simple but not easy.
Here we grow (together) | how again.
– always give what you got – and then systematically learn = your best version of you is NOW. Your Potential stems from it – but IT is always tomorrow:-D
The process is the way – and the journey is the goal.
Have a beautiful day – doing your best | together.